主演:凯特琳·斯塔西,蕾切儿·哈伍德,林肯·刘易斯,德尼兹·阿克代尼兹,菲比·汤金,吴育刚,阿什莉·卡明斯,科林·弗瑞尔斯,马修·戴尔,Andy Minh Trieu,山口英胜

影片讲述7名高中生到一个偏远的小镇远足露营,回到家时发现澳大利亚已经陷入战争,他们不得不拿起武器展开反击……   艾利和自己的好朋友奥莫、塔卡姆、凯文、科瑞、罗比恩和菲奥娜一起去野营,一个星期之后,他们从野营地归来。   可是当他们回到城市之后,却发现城市里人在不断地失踪,人们喂养的宠物和牲口也在不断地死掉。这个时候,这一群年轻人才意识到他们前往纪念节日狂欢场的家人可能永远也不会回来了。幸运的是科瑞的爸爸在早些时候从狂欢场发回来了一条传真,他在上面警告自己的孩子说,自己的国家正在遭受武装入侵,全国一片混乱,他希望自己的孩子能找个地方躲起来。看到传真之后,这些年轻人立即分头前往自己的家里,看看是不是还有家人活着。但是罗比恩和卡塔姆一去不回。与此同时,艾利、凯文和科瑞遭到了入侵军队的追击。在反抗的过程中,艾利用割草机杀死了三个士兵,但是他自己也受了伤。无奈之下,他们只有躲进了科瑞的家里。这个时候,敌人的轰炸机开始对这个地区进行轰炸,他们似乎要将这些年轻人赶尽杀绝。   艾利和奥莫最终决定去找罗比恩和卡塔姆。他们在一个地势低洼的小水沟里找到了他们。他们没有办法返回的原因是卡塔姆的腿部中弹。在逃亡的过程中,他们又发现了一个幸存的好朋友克里斯,在入侵一开始,克里斯就躲了起来,总算是捡回来了一条命。这五个好朋友找到了躲在科瑞家附近的其他人--从现在开始,他们就要携起手来对付那些入侵者了。城市里已经不再安全,他们只好又逃回了自己野营地。   奥莫想到了一个暂时保全自己的办法,烧毁城市通往野营地的一座木桥。于是他们找来了一点燃料,准备烧掉这座桥。在施行这个计划的过程中,科瑞中枪。在安全屋踌躇之际,凯文自告奋勇要把科瑞送到敌人的医院去,希望他们能处理科瑞的伤势。就这样,八个好朋友分成了两拨。凯文带着科瑞离去,剩下的六个人开着偷来的车进入了野营地,继续他们的游击抗争。

主演:凯特琳·斯塔西,蕾切儿·哈伍德,林肯·刘易斯,德尼兹·阿克代尼兹,菲比·汤金,吴育刚,阿什莉·卡明斯,科林·弗瑞尔斯,马修·戴尔,Andy Minh Trieu,山口英胜
主演:Jean-Claude Donda,Eilidh Rankin,Jil Aigrot,Didier Gustin,Frédéric Lebon,Tom Urie
简介:捷克著名导演Frantisek Vlácil的最后一部影片。 Czech director Frantisek Vlacil was best known for his 1965 feature Marketa Lazarova, which in 1998 was named the greatest Czech film of all time in a poll of critics and filmmakers. Born in 1924, Vlacil began his career in puppet animation, and made a number of educational and training films before directing his first feature in 1960, Holubice (The White Dove). Despite the wide acclaim of Marketa Lazarova, Vlacil was banned from making feature films through much of the 1970s; he instead focused on making short subjects for children. In 1979, he was permitted to return to feature filmmaking, and released his final film, Mag (The Magician), in 1988. Vlacil died in Prague in 1999. Vlacil's films were praised for a style that wove metaphor and poetic symbolism with historical stories. His 1965 masterpiece, the medieval drama "Marketa Lazarova," was the near-unanimous choice for best film in all of Czech cinematic history by a group of 100 Czech critics and film industry leaders in a poll taken last year. Last summer, Vlacil was honored with a lifetime achievement award at the Karlovy Vary Film Festival. Born in 1924, Vlacil began his career in the Moravian capital of Brno in puppet animation; he moved on to educational, army and documentary films before making his first feature film "Holubice" (The White Dove) in 1960, which was honored at several major festivals after its release in 1960. He spent five years on "Marketa Lazarova," then followed with "The Valley of the Bees" and "Adelheid". A member of the first generation of the Prague Spring political movement, Vlacil was making his films at that same time as the better-known second generation, which included Milos Forman. Banned by the government from making features in the 1970s, Vlacil instead directed children's films. He returned to features in 1979, completing his last film, "Mag" (The Magician) in 1988. Although highly regarded at home, Vlacil never achieved the international attention of other top Czech directors. Critic Pavel Melounek explained the discrepancy, telling Daily Variety: "His character was as delicate as the poetry of his films. He hated going to festivals and promoting his films, preferring quiet and solitude."
主演:Jean-Claude Donda,Eilidh Rankin,Jil Aigrot,Didier Gustin,Frédéric Lebon,Tom Urie