主演:罗根·勒曼,布兰登·T·杰克逊,亚历珊德拉·达达里奥,杰克·阿贝尔,肖恩·宾,皮尔斯·布鲁斯南,史蒂夫·库根,罗莎里奥·道森,梅琳娜·卡纳卡罗兹,凯瑟琳·基纳,凯文·麦克基德,乔·潘托里亚诺,乌玛·瑟曼,朱利安·瑞钦斯,博妮塔·弗里德里西,安妮·伊隆泽,路易莎·德奥维拉,塔尼亚·索尔尼尔,克里斯蒂·莱恩,玛莉·艾格洛蒲露丝,玛丽·贾菲,亚历克西斯·克纳普,查理·加兰特,切兰·西蒙斯,娜塔莎·迈尔兹,安德里亚·布鲁克斯,Jocelyn Panton,马克斯·范·维利,赛琳达·斯万,奥娜·格奥尔,康拉德·科茨
简介:黑夜,天神宙斯召见海神波塞冬,称其子偷了闪电火,要挟他若不尽快找回,必将开战。现实中,波塞冬与人妻萨利之子波西杰克逊(罗根•勒曼 Logan Lerman 饰)是个大学生,17岁的他可以在水下呆7分钟,但对老师关于莎翁的提问不感兴趣。参观博物馆时,他遇到了摇着轮椅的人马老师(皮尔斯•布鲁斯南 Pierce Brosnan 饰)。而文学老师却变身成了复仇女神,向他逼问闪电火的下落。幸好人马教授和羊男朋友及时赶到,化险为夷。他们带波西来到营地,训练波西,他们找来了一个女战士安娜贝斯(亚历山德拉•达达里奥 Alexandra Daddario饰)与之比武。落败后,触水的波西被激活了潜能,成为奋勇无敌的战士,并开始踏上了追寻闪电火的英雄之旅。面对蛇女美杜莎等神怪的攻击,冥王冥后珀尔赛弗涅的刁难,他的自我救赎只剩下10天……
主演:罗根·勒曼,布兰登·T·杰克逊,亚历珊德拉·达达里奥,杰克·阿贝尔,肖恩·宾,皮尔斯·布鲁斯南,史蒂夫·库根,罗莎里奥·道森,梅琳娜·卡纳卡罗兹,凯瑟琳·基纳,凯文·麦克基德,乔·潘托里亚诺,乌玛·瑟曼,朱利安·瑞钦斯,博妮塔·弗里德里西,安妮·伊隆泽,路易莎·德奥维拉,塔尼亚·索尔尼尔,克里斯蒂·莱恩,玛莉·艾格洛蒲露丝,玛丽·贾菲,亚历克西斯·克纳普,查理·加兰特,切兰·西蒙斯,娜塔莎·迈尔兹,安德里亚·布鲁克斯,Jocelyn Panton,马克斯·范·维利,赛琳达·斯万,奥娜·格奥尔,康拉德·科茨
简介:故事发生在英格兰北部的纽卡斯尔,因为遭遇了次贷危机,瑞奇(克里斯·希钦 Kris Hitchen 饰)不仅丢掉了工作,还背负上了巨额的债务。为了维持生计,瑞奇贷款买了一辆小货车,准备靠送货来开启事业的第二春,哪知道他这一没有经过思考的举动给整个家庭都带来了无法挽回的伤害 。  瑞奇的妻子艾比(黛比·哈尼伍德 Debbie Honeywood 饰)是一名家政工,专门为残疾人和老人服务,如今,她不得不依靠公交车往返于不同的雇主家中,这令她感到非常的疲惫。为了偿还货车的贷款,瑞奇不得不将更多的时间花费在工作上,这令他们的大儿子塞布(瑞斯·斯通 Rhys Stone 饰)感到备受冷落。
简介:Another of Mike Leigh's efforts in the Play for Today series. Home Sweet Home is the he tragic-comic tale of a lonely postman, the social workers who chivvy him about his estranged teenage daughter, and his secret affairs with the wives of his fellow postmen. "Though the social and economic situations of Leigh's characters are invariably specified, they are not determinative. In his view, institutions don't cause our problems and institutions cannot solve them. Nothing beyond the structure of our own thoughts and emotions can be blamed for our predicament and nothing outside of ourselves can remedy it. The poorest of Leigh's characters could win the lottery, or the richest be forced out onto the streets, without their basic dramatic problems changing. One only has to compare Ken Loach's Ladybird, Ladybird with Leigh's Home Sweet Home or his short, Probation, for the difference between the two viewpoints to be clear. Whereas Loach mounts an institutional critique, the social systems and bureaucracies in Leigh's work are only individuals writ large. Home Sweet Home dramatizes the relationship of two social workers, Dave and Melody, to a client, Stan, and his daughter Tina, but for Leigh the social workers are ultimately just messed-up people. One might say that while Loach looks at the effect, Leigh studies the cause. Loach studies bureaucracies; Leigh examines the individual qualities that make bureaucracies the way they are. The main characters in Ladybird, Ladybird are victims of a social agency's depersonalizing understandings. Leigh refuses to make Stan and Tina victims of anybody or anything. Home Sweet Home makes clear that, even if all of the social workers were to disappear from the universe, Stan and Tina's relationship would not improve one whit (and in fact would very likely get worse, since in the absence of a pushy, intrusive, boorish Melody, Tina would get no visits or trips home at all). There is an ultimate fairness in Leigh's view of life. We get what we are. Nothing is inflicted on us (just as nothing outside of ourselves can save us). We create our own problems and we ourselves must solve them. It would be hard to imagine a view of experience more at odds with the blame-games played by most cultural studies critics. Leigh's characters can never blame anything or anyone–least of all "the system." External forces (figured by ever fashionable ideological concepts like "power," "gender," and "class") have no ultimate authority over what we are. We are responsible for our own fates. The enemy, if there is an enemy, is inside. Odd as it may sound to say it, the writers on cultural studies and neo-Marxist filmmakers like Loach are actually more optimistic than Leigh, for while the social-work bureaucracy (Loach's target) may conceivably be reformed, the human heart and mind (Leigh's subjects) are all too deplorably (and exultantly) what they are for all eternity. I would argue that the institutional critique is in fact the simpler, more superficial, and more naive way of understanding these situations. The labyrinths of the human heart are far more tortuous and Byzantine than the corridors of power that constitute the welfare system. The bureaucracies of the imagination are far subtler and more insidious than those of any man-made institution. And if you say you don't see that or don't understand how that could possibly be, why that is precisely what a work like Home Sweet Home exists to show...." –Excerpted from Ray Carney, "The Films of Mike Leigh: Embracing the World "